Chat with Gemini from the address bar in Chrome

Picture of Israel Medina
Israel Medina

Soy Israel, un profesional con una trayectoria diversa y apasionante en el mundo de la tecnología y el marketing digital. Durante mas de 25 años, he tenido el privilegio de trabajar con empresas de todos los tamaños, desde startups hasta corporaciones globales, ayudándolas a mejorar su presencia en línea y alcanzar sus objetivos comerciales.

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chat gemini chrome

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How to Chat with Gemini from the address bar

chat gemini
Chat with Gemini from the address bar in Chrome 5

You can quickly get help from Gemini with creative and complex tasks, like planning a trip or learning more about a new topic with this new shortcut in Chrome.

3 Steps to Chat with Gemini from the address bar

  1. Type “@” in the address bar and select Chat with Gemini.
  2. Write your prompt.
  3. Get your response on
  4. that´s all!!!
Chat with Gemini from the address bar
Chat with Gemini from the address bar in Chrome 6
compra maestra
Chat with Gemini from the address bar in Chrome 7
Chat with Gemini from the address bar
Chat with Gemini from the address bar in Chrome 8

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