What is 4K streaming?

Picture of Israel Medina
Israel Medina

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When you stream in 4K, you’re watching videos at a resolution of 3,840×2,160 pixels, which is provided by platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Max, and similar services. The video is delivered in small segments that are instantly played and then discarded.

Currently, 4K is the highest resolution offered by most streaming services. In fact, many original shows and movies from providers like Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ are available in 4K, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down.

However, not all content is accessible in 4K. The resolution you get while streaming depends on several factors: the device you’re using, the streaming service, your internet speed, and the original resolution of the video. There are numerous possible resolutions you might encounter while streaming, so here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:


ResolutionFormal nameSize in PixelsExamples
6480p (12K)12K Ultra High Definition
(UHD or Ultra HD)
12,288×6,480Very highest consumer cameras
4320p (8K)8K Ultra High Definition
(UHD or Ultra HD)
7,680×4,320YouTube, PS5, Xbox Series X
2160p (4K)4K Ultra High Definition
(UHD or Ultra HD)
3,480×2,160Most streaming services, 4K Blu-ray
1440p (2K)Quad High Definition
(QHD or Quad HD)
2,560×1,440QHD monitors, smart phones
1080p (FHD)Full High Definition
(FHD or Full HD)
1,920×1,080Blu-ray, HDTV, Xbox
720p (HD)High Definition
1,280×720Preferred Twitch streaming resolution
480p (SD)Standard Definition
640×480 (4:3)TV broadcasts, NTSC-region DVD
480p (SD)Standard Definition
720×480 (3:2)TV broadcasts, NTSC-region DVD
360p (SD)Standard Definition
640×360Low-quality video

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